2021 SLC Competitors - Seated L to R: Phaedra Dorsey, Drew Ferrington, Clark Girlinghouse, Bobby Kendrick, Brock Shively, Marley Bass, Bailey Wright, and Callie McDowell; Standing L to R: Maddox Taunton, Bryan Warwick, Xander Taunton, Jace Littleton, James Sanders, Peyton Todd, Cassidie Waits, Lora Elliott; Not Shown: Chloe Campbell, Ivy Carter, Brennan Keen, Hayden Miller, and Anahlise Robbins.
April 28, 2021
Jena High School FBLA competes at state
The Jena High School Future Business Leaders of America chapter recently competed in the 2021 Virtual FBLA State Conference. Competitors, top ten, first place winners and 2021-22 officers are shown..