Audrey Maxwell, 91 years young and a faithful patron for decades was the first person to check out materials in the newly constructed LaSalle Parish Library in Jena when it opened on a limited basis on Monday, May 10. Library Director Andrea Book assists Mrs. Maxwell who enjoys listening to books on CD, which are available at the Library. She is an active member of the Town and Country Garden Club, Friends of the LaSalle Parish Library, as well as a lifelong member of Nolley Memorial Methodist Church in Jena. As library personnel continue to move items from the old location to completely furnish the new facility, the library is open to serve the public with most services. Landscaping has been delayed because of the constant rain, which has made it impossible to secure grass sod. Once the new facility is completely furnished and groundwork complete, a grand opening and ribbon cutting will be planned. However, the meeting facility, which features a serving kitchen, has already been utilized and a large number of activities, including Summer Story Hour, have been booked for the facility.
May 17, 2021
Library open on limited basis