Honor roll students for the first six weeks grading period of the 2021-22 school year have been announced by Principal Deedra Zeagler, as follows: First Grade All A’s – River Book, Walt Brixey, Gatlin Cobb, Cash Cooksey, Hunter Dauzat, Madelyn Esters, Amelia Francis, Lincoln Henry, Callie Hunter, Harley Lemay, Micaela Lucas, Jaynie Mason, JT Mason, Joanna Mayo, Hazel McNemar, Chase McNemar, John Mueller, Emma Nix, Glade Rainey, Konner Robertson, Raelynn Russell, Kortlyn Sloan, Ryleigh Stafford, Aimee Swayze, Rex Tullos, Olivia Vickers, and Sawyer White. A’s and B’s – Lyrick Binkley, Adrian Bowie, Daniel Boyett, Skyy Brown, Abram Cain, Bailee Elliott, Ellie Estes, Alyvia Gaines, Peyton Garza, David Graham, Ramsey Hopkins, Myka Johnson, London Nugent, Jaxton Poole, Drake Richerson, Aubrianna Richmond, Jason Rosser, Drew Sapp, Colton Shipley, Corbin Smith, Jessica Suy, Anna Temple, Breanna Walker, Claire Williams, and Jakyrii Williams.
test 4
October 12, 2021
Jena Grade School lists Honor roll