Fourteen 4-H’ers from across the parish flexed their engineering abilities at the 2021 4-H Water Rocket Workshop. Each participant built a water rocket from three, two-liter coke bottles while working with a partner. Height and speed were recorded each launch using an electronic altitude-measuring chip. After the first round of flights, 4-H’ers made repairs, changes, and were given free range of imagination to alter their rockets for the second launch. Top height reached 192ft and speeds up to 80 mph based on instrumentation used. Participating in this year’s build included, front row seated from left, Nataleigh Nagler, Ava Hodges, Emeree Gagne, Abram Smith, and Cami Cockerham; back row, Daniel Forman, Ethan Shelton, Terry Bowie, Zoe Helton, Alyssa Bird, Halie Butts, Ainslee Cooksey, Kharis Bowen, and Caleb Rison. Not pictured - Lynzee Bowie. The Jr. Leaders assisted with setting up the workshop, helped 4-H’ers with difficult parts of the build, served lunch, and all the other aspects that made the workshop a success. For more information on 4-H and other youth development program activities contact your local Cooperative Extension Service at (318) 992-2205. It is the policy of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the ground of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability.
LaSalle 4-H Water Rocketeersâ¦
December 7, 2021
LaSalle 4-H Water Rocketeers…