The Jena High School Drama Club presented Yes, Virginia: The Musical last week at the JHS auditorium and the Town of Jena’s Historic Strand Theater. The cast and crew shown are Emma Howard, Ashlyn Alexander, Taylor Belgard, Clintt Hall, Parker Roark, Sarah Alexander, Mason Morrow-Snell, Ethan Reaves, Emma Justiss, Abby Reaves, Trylen Stephens, Blair Smith, Iris Smith, Ian Bordelon, Jacie Strother and Antonia Purcell. Not shown is Sophia Reaves. Other crew included Director Tracy Joy, Technical Director Blake Joy and Sound Technician Blake Phillips. The props were gathered by the JHS Drama Class and the set was built by Blake Joy, Chad Girlinghouse, Abby Reaves, Ethan Reaves, Sophia Reaves, Clintt Hall and the JHS Drama Class.
December 21, 2021
“Yes, Virginia: The Musical” presentation