So, the last stop on my book tour for my new book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America was Nashville with a hit on Mike Huckabee’s show. Six weekends in a row on airplanes – it was like a dream come true, except it was a terrible dream full of dumb people who don’t understand how airline travel works. But it was nice to visit America again. Thanks to the Army, I am one of the few coastal blue state dwellers who has actually interacted with people who can’t throw a rock and hit an ocean. For a bunch of people who pride themselves on their familiarity with the world and their unquestionable ability to run it without input from others, the blue elites have remarkably little idea what is up between I-5 and I-95. Still, living in California, I sometimes forget that in America people are generally nice to you.
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August 30, 2022
It Was Nice Visiting Real America