Jena Elementary has named their November Terrific Kids for the 2022-23 academic year: front row (left to right) Hayes Williams, Reese Allen, Josie Spence, Lacey Spence and Carsie Nugent; second row (l to r) Dakota LeMay, Jathan Andrews, Eliza Barber, Carter Pippen and Gabriel West and back row (l to r) Natalie Mueller, Lincoln Henry, Evelyn Lacour, Corbin Smith, John Daves, Amelia Francis, Wyatt Kent, Brenton Dean, Matthew Taylor-Lyons and Kelton Allen. Not shown is Sawyer White.
December 28, 2022
Art instruction for homeschool students
ART ELEMENTS is an art education class for homeschool students in second to twelfth grades that offers individual instruction, guidance, constructive critique and encouragement through age and skill appropriate activities in a group setting.