With the start of hurricane season approaching on June 1, Volunteer Louisiana is encouraging residents to get a game plan and get connected. To prepare for a storm, residents should form a family evacuation and communications plan, update their emergency supply kit, sign up for alerts from their local emergency management office, and monitor local news for hurricane watches and warnings in their area. For more information, visit GetAGamePlan.org. After every storm, Louisiana relies on volunteers to assist with response and recovery. However, it is vital volunteers do not self-deploy. Anyone interested in assisting with disaster response can visit VolunteerLouisiana. gov to find a non-profit organization or local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to deploy safely with a trained volunteer group. Volunteer Louisiana, in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOSHEP), supports CERT Training throughout the state. CERT is a program that educates volunteers in disaster readiness to prepare for hazards that may affect their areas. Basic CERT trains individuals in disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations so volunteers can assist first responders and/ or care for themselves and others during a disaster-related event. Specialized training for advanced CERT teams is also available. Information on upcoming CERT trainings is available on the Volunteer Louisiana CERT Training webpage. “One of the most important assets we have in Louisiana is our people and their willingness to pitch in and help their neighbors in a time of crisis. It truly says a lot about the Louisiana spirit,” said Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser. “Through Volunteer Louisiana, we want to get people connected with the right trainings. This will help in the coordination of volunteer efforts when federal assistance is not available.” Since 2019, Volunteer Louisiana has helped trainanddevelopCERT teams across the state. These teams are often the first to respond after disasters, working with local emergency management officials, to address urgent needs. Volunteer Louisiana also works with non-profit organizations to post updated volunteer opportunities in affected communities. Additionally, Louisianans can find up-to-date information about disaster assistance and volunteer opportunities by following the Volunteer Louisiana Facebook page.
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May 27, 2023
Get A Plan; Hurricane Season Begins June 1