Serves 8 Sauce: 1 cup chili sauce 1⁄3 cup Dijon or grainy mustard 1⁄3 cup liquid honey 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons paprika 2 large cloves garlic, minced 2 cups sliced onions 2 cups chopped apples 3 to 4 pounds frozen pork shoulder roast, thawed after roast Large ciabatta rolls, onion or crusty buns, mashed potatoes or rice Directions: Mix together the chili sauce, mustard, honey, chili powder, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, paprika, and garlic. Place onions in the bottom of a Dutch oven.
Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork
May 27, 2023
Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork