With Father’s Day coming up this month it is a good time to remember what your Dad means to you. Your Dad is the guy that took you fishing and played catch with you. He’s the one that came to your games and cheered for you when you did well and told you everything was alright when you struck out. He taught you how to drive that standard transmission truck and taught you how to fix things when they were broken. He worked hard every day so he could not only support you but buy you something nice every now and then. Dad would tell you when you were doing something wrong, then show you the best way to do it. When he wasn’t teaching you he was just doing what men do from day to day so you learn to one day be a man and everyone needs a dad. When you have a Mom and Dad you now have a family with brothers and sisters thrown in for good measure. I feel like this is not only the best situation, it’s also the way God intended a family to be. People large and small with the same blood running through their veins and family ties can be very strong.
Trading Days
June 6, 2023
Your Dad