The Central Louisiana Legislative Delegation was instrumental in acquiring $10-million for the construction of a new CLTCC Rod Brady Campus in Jena. Shown above at the announcement last week are, from left: District 22 Representative Gabe Firment, District 27 Representative Mike Johnson, CLTCC Chancellor Dr. Jimmy Sawtelle, District 32 Senator Glen Womack, Rod Brady Interim Dean Michelle Morea, LEDD Treasurer Blake Phillips and District 20 Representative Neil Riser.
July 1, 2023
New Campus for Rod Brady
The Rod Brady Campus of the Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) will soon have a brand-new facility. The $10-million announcement was made Monday, June 26, on the campus of Louisiana Christian University in Pineville at the North Rapides Business & Industry Alliance meeting by Louisiana District 32 Senator Glen Womack.