Exuberantandloud worship! Young and old alike on their feet, clapping their hands and moving their feet! Praise songs and musical talent dedicated wholly to the Lord! Youth of all ages dancing and shouting out phrases of praise and exaltations of worship to God! Preaching that is anointed and powerful! It can only mean one thing: Camp Meeting – Louisiana style! Nothing compares to an upbeat, explosive Louisiana Camp Meeting or church youth camp/retreat, and during the first two weeks of July, La-Salle Parish was the meeting place for such a gathering. It took place nestled in the tall pines of Olla, LA, at the official headquarters and Camp Meeting site of the Louisiana District of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC).
Sister âLulabelleâ Sams, guest speaker from Texas, brought bible stories and childrenâs ministry to a new level during the 2023 ALJC Junior Youth Camp held in Olla the first week of July.
July 25, 2023
ALJC Camp Olla