During their regular meeting last week, the Urania Town Council and Mayor Jay Ivy started making plans for several events to be hosted by the town in the upcoming months.
The first event on the calendar is the veteran’s lunch that the town provides to any veteran and their spouse, each year for Veteran’s Day. Those who wish to pick up a plate lunch from Ivy’s Store must sign up ahead of time by stopping by Town Hall or calling the office.
“We have Veteran’s Day coming up. So, we plan to have Ivy’s feed them and their spouses on the 9th, 10th and 11th,” Ivy explained. “As long as their names are on our list, they will get fed.”
The Council and Mayor also began making plans for December events, including the Senior Citizen Supper and Santa in the Square.
“The Urania Senior Citizen Supper will be December 7 at five o’clock in the rec hall. Like last year, the fire department will come and help serve,” Ivy stated. “And Santa in the Square will be December 14.”
The Council is hoping for a good turnout at both events, as last year’s attendance was a bit low coming out of Covid.
Also during the meeting, the Council approved of the September bills and several department reports.
Mayor Jay Ivy provided the water department report.
“We finished that line running towards the plants down here. So that’s done,” Mayor Ivy stated. “We are still waiting for our new electronic meters to come in. It might be another six months on those.”
According to the sewer department report, Mayor Ivy updated that continued maintenance is being done, specifically at the pumping station near the prison.
“We are still waiting on the lift station for out at the prison,” Mayor Ivy said. “There was a part that we had to have made, so that slowed down that process a bit.”
The Mayor also delivered the police department report. During the September, the department wrote 78 citations and collected a total of $16,944 for the month.
During the fire report, it was noted that the department was busy in September, with a total of eleven fire calls for the month.
“We had a grass and woods fire in Urania, a structure fire in Urania which caught quick, but was small with minor damage, a vehicle fire on Castor Road,” Ivy continued, “five assist calls to Tullos for woods and grass fires, two assist calls to Jena for woods and grass fires and one assist to Grant Parish for woods and grass fires.”
Police Juror Tim Lasiter provided the Police Jury report. According to Lasiter, they have been working on the Pinehill Church Road, even though it is a road bordering two wards. Lasiter explained that certain areas are in bad shape, so they have fixed a curve in the road and added hot mix where the road is unlevel.
“When that road was built, it was built right. To let it fall apart would be a waste,” Lasiter explained. “So regardless of what the other ward does, it’s going to get fixed.”
The next step is to add two layers, with one of chip stone and one of pea gravel.”
Alderman Pat McDougald expressed his appreciation to Lasiter for the work being done.
“I went through there the other day, and it’s looking good,” he stated. “It’ll look really good when y’all get that top on.”
Lasiter also stated that they planned to start working on some areas in town, so the town should be aware when driving through.