The LaSalle Parish Police Jury held a special meeting October 10, at 10 a.m., as they served as the Board of Review for tax assessments as required by Louisiana state law.
The Board of Review is set in place to resolve any tax assessment disputes following the LaSalle Parish Assessor’s assessment process.
Jury Vice-President June Fowler noted that there were no protests for the Jury to consider at the meeting, however, the meeting was still required by law to conduct.
Assessor Tom Kendrick was on hand and noted changes in the assessment process, specifically related to the oil and gas industry, had several company officials stop by his office for explanation after assessments were issued.
“But once they were informed of the new assessment process relating to them they were very understanding and felt it was to their benefit,” Kendrick said.
The new assessment process sees tax assessments go down on wells that are not producing and wells that are producing go up. It allows for those non-producing wells to have lower assessments, which the oil and gas companies like, but it does increase the assessment on wells that are producing good.
Kendrick also updated the Jury that because of the new assessment process, La-Salle Parish will likely see an increase in its tax roll, to the tune of $118-124 million.
“The tax roll will be transmitted to the Sheriff today (Oct. 10) to send out notices,” Kendrick said. “They are also available on our website for anyone in the public who wants to review it.”