Our country has been on top for so long that it’s hard to imagine things being any other way. Cutting edge technology, business expertise, oil and gas production, automotive advancements and military prowess just to name a few. Certainly, all of my life has been spent living in the greatest country on earth. But a look back at history will show that no one stays on top forever. Great countries rise and fall through the ages and we are not immune to this fact. As a matter of fact, this country is now failing drastically when rated next to other modern societies. December 7th, 1941, our country was caught sleeping by imperial Japan and almost paid the ultimate price. Nazi Germany was also striving for world domination. You can pull out a world map and quickly spot Germany and Japan. These countries are so small how could they possibly be a threat? But both of these countries were formidable foes that had us outgunned and were willing to fight to the death. Nazi Germany towards the end of the war had developed the jet engine, had missile technology and by far the best tank in the world. The Japanese were tenacious fighters and perfectly willing to fight to the last man and execute suicide attacks. The next time we are threatened it may be from a larger country, or maybe not, it’s hard to say. Peace through strength is a strategy that has worked well for us.
Nikita Khrushchev once said that America would eventually be destroyed from within like the Roman Empire and believed in his Communist ideology. Instead, the Soviet Union collapsed from within due to a host of social issues, unmotivated and disgruntled work force, lack of manufacturing and a multitude of other labor and technological problems. Now it is our turn. Could we be going down that same path? Yes!
Egypt, France, Persia, England, Greece, the Romans and Chinese Ming dynasty have all spent time as the dominant force in the world and have taken a backseat to a new world leader, but leaders do come and go as history does show. Would you be willing to risk your life for this country or send your sons to do the same? We will be challenged again by other countries and must be ready to fight at all times. We destroyed the Iraqi army twice in just a few weeks. We had to fight twice because we didn’t finish the job the first time. This was a political decision and not a military one and I’ve been extremely disappointed with politicians making bad military decisions. We have some of the finest generals in the world and they have multiple engagement options. Let them do their job!
After Operation Desert Storm our military was put on display for the whole world to see and no one wanted to mess with us. I can’t blame them. When Argentina captured the Falklands they figured the British wouldn’t sail half way around the world to take them back but they were wrong. The English people may talk funny but you don’t want to mess with them either.
Peace through strength has not only worked well for our country but throughout history and is definitely the way to go. By the same token, if you have weak leadership like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the entire country is seen as gutless. To continue our peace through strength policy we need a President that puts America first and funds a strong military. Will we be remembered as a country that stood strong and united or will we go down the same path as other great civilizations have done. You may find out sooner than you think.