LaSalle Parish honored all veterans during several events held this past weekend as the nation paused to pay tribute during Veterans Day.
While the towns of Urania and Tullos provided meals and gift cards respectively to their resident veterans, the Town of Olla’s annual Veterans Day program was held Friday, November 10 at the Centennial Cultural Center.
This year’s featured veteran was Joe Cruse, who along the sharing of his service history, was presented the Quilt of Valor from Hilda Franklin, Billie Brown and Fran Fish.
Others participating in the Olla program included Olla Mayor Rhonda Elliott, Tullos First Baptist Church Pastor Scott Smith and Midway Baptist Church Pastor Daniel Breithaupt who led the crowd in the singing of the National Anthem.
Veterans Day started early on Saturday for a special Liftathon and 5K run that was held in memory of veteran Joe Peppers. Along with entry fees and tee shirt sales, Victory Fitness raised over $1,000 that was donated to the LaSalle Parish Veterans Honor Guard.
Despite wet conditions from the previous day’s rain, the annual Veterans Day Parade rolled through the streets of Jena Saturday morning with many of LaSalle’s veterans participating by riding floats as people waved flags and thanked the veterans for their service.
At 11 a.m., the annual LaSalle Parish Veterans Day program was held inside the Jena High School gymnasium. The event is sponsored each year by the Whatley-Flaherty VFW Post 5002.
Among those taking part in the program included Post Commander Steve Thomas, Ralph McCrory, Rodney Russell, Emily Allen, Larry Campbell and members of the LaSalle Parish Veterans Honor Guard.
Keynote speaker was 2nd Court of Appeals Appellate Judge Jeffery Robinson, who was a member of the Jena National Guard unit that was deployed during Operation Desert Shield/Storm.
Robinson spoke on the importance of Veterans Day and priorities that each citizen must have to continue to have the United States remain the great nation that it is.
“In all of our lives, we must have these five priorities in this order,” the Judge stated. “God first, country second, family third, community fourth and self last.”
Robinson spoke briefly on what each of the five priorities mean and the importance of very citizen to maintain those priorities in their daily lives.
The program also featured the presentation of colors, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, Soldier’s Cross-Tribute to Fallen Comrades, a 21Gun Salute and the playing of Taps.
(See photos from each event on the ‘Photo Gallery’ page.)