This is who I used to be. I was a white descendant of Scots, Irish, English and Scandinavian, all proud people, all people who came to America for a better life than what they had in the countries of their birth. All were people who worked hard, reared large families (I have 70 first cousins in my McClure family), supported their churches, contributed to their communities, and volunteered in the military since the French and Indian War in colonial times and every war since then. Proud Americans, proud to be Americans.
I was a poor child who put myself through college with work and student loans, all repaid years ago, and I graduated from Louisiana State University with a good education in the classics, science, history, even math, that prepared me to be a responsible adult and citizen.
I was a protestant, reared in the Baptist Church, but later moving over to the Presbyterian faith of my Scottish ancestors. My children grew up in these churches, too, where they were taught the godly principles of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Through the years, my husband and I helped many people in the community in various ways, none that were trumpeted. We gave help because it was the right thing to do, not for praise nor for repay.
In short, I tried to be what my parents, grandparents, all family back to the founding of America had done, just be honest, be a good citizen and a be a practicing Christian.
In the world of 2023, I find that my adjectives have changed rather drastically, and I am a downright dangerous person to be around. Nowadays I find I am not just a white person, but a white supremacist, someone who hates everyone not white, someone who has helped to cause all the misery in the world.
Now, I am a nativist, since my opinion is that America is for its citizens and for immigrants who want to come here legally and swear allegiance to this great country built by all our ancestors. Yes, I do despise the open borders that let every miscreant from any-where in the world come into our country, disrupting our very way of life in every way they can. If that makes me a nativist, well, so be it, comrades.
Because I am a white nationalist, my Christian credentials are also suspect. We Christians are wanting to see our country remain the stronghold of the Judeo-Christian heritage that made America the greatest, most successful, most welcoming nation in the world. The fact that we do not agree with the other, primitive, killing religions makes us somehow suspect on the national stage. Who would you rather face, someone like me or one of those idiots screaming support for Palestine when they couldn’t even find Russia on a map, much less where a non-existent country is supposed to be. If I were you, I’d choose me.
Being white is now equivalent to be being a racist, just because I have spoken out against BLM as thugs and anarchists. My admiration and appreciation of black men and women who get up every day, go to work, take care of their families, and live the best they can, doesn’t count for much in this time. So, color me racist, too.
Lastly, people like me are called transphobic and homophobic because I insist that there are two genders, male and female, and anything else is mental illness. I think there needs to be a new word for these conditions, not ending in phobic, which means ‘fear of.’ I do not fear the mentally ill, but certainly do not wish anyone to think that I would ever support their lunacy. Treating them as what they think they are would make me mentally ill, too, and it ain’t happening.
I reckon that’s it for my changed adjectives, here at the golden age of, well, it doesn’t matter. If I live much longer, it’s no telling what I’ll turn out to be in this upside down, bizarro world that we live in-a while, I hope, before the roll is called up yonder.