The humble manger in Bethlehem held the Christ child safely while a select few gazed upon Him in wonder and worship. A handful of shepherds directed by a host of angels, his mama, Mary, and his earthly father, Joseph, were among the elite who were there, who witnessed the early manifestation of God in the flesh. A few months later after weary travels, wealthy kings bearing gifts for a heavenly king arrived and watched as the toddler perhaps took baby steps toward his earthly destiny that would ultimately lead to His becoming the sacrificial lamb for all humanity. It was astounding, breathtaking, and it culminates in the Christmas season we celebrate every December. But Christmas and all its festivities and giving cannot last forever.
We have dined with our families, serenaded, and been serenaded by Christmas carol favorites, given and received Christmas gifts and treasures, participated in a host of celebrations, and the Christmas season is ending, for now. It’s time to move into the next holiday celebration, return to our jobs and once again take up our ordinary everyday lives. The season draws to a close and the trees and holiday splendor are put away into boxes, attics, closets, and such. That’s that for many, but there is a lingering and powerful presence of a living, loving God who doesn’t fit into the containers but who transcends into every facet and crevice of this thing called ‘life’. Jesus Christ is more than a seasonal Savior.
As you and I move into January 2024, we can’t forget to take God, His love and care, His peace and comfort, His joy and peace with us. We’re going to need Him more than we have in previous new years. A world without Him would be a little bit darker, the emptiness without His presence – deeper, and the heartache without His comfort, heavier. However, with Him, joys will be more joyful, life more abundant and loads lighter.
Don’t leave Jesus lying in a manager or on the front of a Christmas card not to be retrieved and dusted off until next the Christmas celebra- tion. Don’t limit Him to a short season in your life and try to face the cares and challenges alone without His presence. That’s never been His intention for you and me.
While the nativity set in Bethlehem was only for a select few, the indwelling spirit of God through the infilling of the Holy Ghost is for all. His power, His comfort, His safety, His name are not limited. In Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and in Him and through Him the soul and heart of all mankind are complete, full, saved, satisfied and at rest.
Don’t forget Jesus as we traverse into 2024. There will be struggles we can’t handle alone, losses we can’t replace, hurts we can’t heal, and questions we can’t answer, but He can. Our children need Him. Our grandchildren must have Him. Our souls hunger and thirst for Him and Him alone. He is near to everyone who calls on Him and he is merciful to an extent that we can’t fully fathom.
Take the Lord with you and yours into an unknown tomorrow. Give Him space and opportunity to work in your life. That’s the reason He came as a babe in a manger. That’s the force behind His love and sacrifice. That’s what led Him to death. That’s what powered His resurrection. You. Me. Our familes. Our neighbors. Our needs.
Christmas is a celebration like no other. It’s more than buying, giving, and receiving. The Christ of Christmas is more than a day on the calendar that ends when the sun sets and the world sleeps. Take Jesus out of the celebration and into all the days that constitute this beautiful gift called ‘life’.