70 Years Ago
January 21, 1954
Don L. Cupples, Storekeeper Seaman, USN, son of Mrs. J. W. Wishum of Jena, La., helped to train an Ensign of the Republic of Korea Navy while serving aboard the LST USS 1138 during the veteran landing ship’s third tour of duty in Korean waters. The 1138, which recently returned to the United States, was chosen for training the Korean naval officer under a new program to improve the ROK Navy by assigning its men to U.S. ships for training in seamanship, navigation, sea warfare and all aspects of shipboard life. Before leaving the LST 1138 for duty with the Korean Navy, Ensign Sin Hae Kyoon used his limited knowledge of English to write a letter to the crew. He praised the sailors for their “remarkable talent” in seamanship and their fighting contribution to the United Nations effort in Korea. In his farewell letter Ens. Kyoon wrote “While I lived with you, I knew you well day by day. I was taught much common sense about America and the others. I offer thanks to you on behalf of our country and I hope to give thanks to all ship’s company. I don’t forget you and LST 1138 through my life and you don’t forget me please.”
At Save-Way Super Market, a box of Tide was 25¢, a pound of steak costs 25¢ and Nabisco chocolate chip pecan cookies were 35¢ a box.
60 Years Ago
January 23, 1964
Mrs. Mary Rambo, wife of the Democratic nominee for Senator from the 31st Senatorial District, shined the boots of Ernie Doyle to pay off an election bet, resulting from Mrs. Rambo’s promise to shine Doyle’s boot “on the street in Tullos” if her husband, Willard Rambo, carried the Tullos voting precinct, LaSalle Parish and the election on January 11. Rambo did all three. There were many gathered around to watch Mrs. Rambo fulfill her promise and pose for a photo for the paper.
Frank R. Clark of Baton Rouge is one of the three new officers of Fidelity National Bank of that city. He was promoted from Senior Note Teller to Assistant Cashier following the annual Stockholders’ meeting held Jan. 14. Clark is a native of Baton Rouge and graduated from LSU in Business Administration. He joined the bank in 1953 while attending school. He received a Distinguished Military Graduate Commission and was called to active duty during the Berlin Crisis. Mr. Clark is the son of Mrs. Mary Breithaupt Clark and the late Mr. Robert F. Clark. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Enos R. Breithaupt of Jena.
50 Years Ago
January 17, 1974
Senior division winners in the 4-H Sew with Cotton Contest held Thursday, January 10th at the courthouse meeting room are Jena Terral, Michelle Branson, Suzette Bradford and Sharon McMurry, all first-place winners; Camilla Hester, second place winner; Melanie Andrews, third place winner. Sharon McMurry will represent LaSalle Parish in the State Sew with Cotton Contest which will be held February 9th.
Catherine J. McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDonald, Rt. 1, Jena has been promoted to Airman First Class in the U.S. Air Force. Airman McDonald, a vehicle operator at Webb AFB, TX, serves with a unit of the Air Training Command. A 1968 graduate of Jena High School, the irman attended Northwestern State University.
40 Years Ago
January 18, 1984
Tom Nowlin, manager of Mac’s Big Star in Olla, recently acted as official store representative in presenting an Atari computer system to LaSalle High School. Receiving the computer for the school were Joe Shaver and Principal Howard McCarty. The computer will be used in the school’s math and science department, which is headed by Shaver. In accepting the system, McCarty said the school is extremely grateful to Mac’s Big Star for their interest in their educational opportunities.
Dana Lucas, a fifth grader at Nebo Grade School, was presented a special honorary key to the Jena Walmart Store Tuesday morning by store manager Gary McDonald. Miss Lucas received the key after writing a letter to the head of the Walmart chain, telling him how much the store has meant to her, her parents and the community. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle C. Breland and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Hines of Jena, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lucas of Jonesville. Also on hand for the presentation were store managers Ron Spellman and Gary Thomen.
25 Years Ago
January 20, 1999
The new sanctuary of the Midway Baptist Church near Jena was dedicated during a special program held in the facility last Sunday morning. Over 450 members and guests gathered in the new $708,000 facility for the dedication program, which featured special music by the Midway choir and a dedication message by Pastor Rick Feazell. During a brief history of the project, Rev. Feazell stated, “Good things come to those who wait. Midway Baptist Church has waited for this day for several years. The blessings of God brought about an increase to the size of this church family. Room was needed in all areas of our ministry including worship, education and fellowship. Midway Baptist Church sought the direction of God in this matter,” he continued. “After much prayer, the church determined that God was leading them to construct a new auditorium for His worship and praise. The other needs would be addressed through modifications to the existing building.”
Morgan Paige Aycock of Olla was awarded the first-place plaque and savings bond in the Louisiana LACD poster contest. Marion Murphy LACD representative, presented the award in Shreveport last Thursday.
10 Years Ago
January 22, 2014
The LaSalle Parish School Board has decided to demolish the two-story education building at the former Jena Elementary School, located on U.S. 84 east of downtown. The school was left vacant last fall with the opening of the new Jena Elementary School. The pre-kindergarten wing of the school will be spared along with the cafeteria and library. School officials are hopeful these buildings, which are still in good condition, can be utilized in some form or fashion in the coming years. Architect Perry Watson told board members he expected the demolition project to cost about $300,000. Bids are now being received and will be opened on February 20th, with the board expected to make a final decision.
The Olla Volunteer Fire Department has a new Tanker 1 in service, which was on display outside the town hall during the January meeting of the Town Council, held on Tuesday night of last week. Mayor Jason Chisolm said the tanker is an outstanding piece of equipment and that he and the Council are proud of it and all the work done by the department. During the council meeting, Fire Chief Joe announced the new tanker was now in service and that the old tanker has been stripped down and the department members are preparing it for sale.