70 Years Ago
January 28, 1954
When the town siren sounds off with three long blasts at 7:00 p.m. Friday evening that will not be the fire alarm, states P. S. Gaharan, Jr., Mayor of Jena, but will be a signal for the porch lights to be turned on for the Mothers March on Polio. J. B. Carpenter has agreed to sound the alarm at the time the volunteer workers begin to knock on doors. All over LaSalle Parish, mothers will be working to reach the goal of $4,000.
LaSalle Parish’s greater turnip contest is still going strong with the latest entry from Dr. F. L. Richardson’s patch weighing in at 13 ½ pounds, tops and all. Dr Richardson’s entry carried the finest, healthiest tops entered to date and just what the root alone would weigh was not determined, however, a close judge indicated the prize money may be split between the Richardson entry and Bill Russell’s entry several weeks ago. Dr. Richardson said he planted four rows about an acre long last fall and “Just left ‘em along.” The weather way dry and the Doc got a poor stand, but like Topsy in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” the ones that came up “just growed.” About the only thing Doc could say about his turnip patch was the variety “Lice-proof. No Fertilizer, no watering, not even cultivation,” he said.
60 Years Ago
January 30, 1964
Motorists along U.S. 165 south of Columbia in Caldwell parish have started using Highway District 58’s innovation in litter collection, according to Highway Director Ray W. Burgess. Highway Department forces have placed thirteen 55-gallon drums approximately five miles apart along U.S. 165 in northeast Louisiana to make easier the disposal of litter without cluttering up the highway shoulders with expensive and dangerous trash. Burgess said that this is a test strip and if enough motorists make use of the litter collection barrels, the Highway Department will seriously consider using more of them around the state. “Certainly, if we can even remove one-third the present litter from our highways and save one-third the yearly cost of the immense litter clean-up operation, the placing of highway litter cans will be a real money saver for the Louisiana highway program,” said Burgess.
Twenty-one Northwestern State College seniors have been nominated to Who’s Who among students in American universities and colleges, it was announced today by Dudley G. Fulton, director of student relations. Selected from Jena was Jesse Wayne Crooks. Crooks received his degree at mid-year commencement exercises last Wednesday. He was also selected by vote of the student body this fall for Mr. NSC honors.
The Strand played “20,000 Leagues Under Sea,” “Bye, Bye Birdie” and “Just for Fun.”
50 Years Ago
January 24, 1974
Taft Jernigan, an employee of the Town of Jena since 1963, recently retired and was honored last Wednesday afternoon with a reception at the town hall. Mayor Orland (Cuz) Sandifer presented Mr. Jernigan a gift on behalf of the town officials. Jernigan was the third man to retire from the Town of Jena since the town enacted a retirement system about two years ago.
The Caldwell Parish Cowbelles are off to a busy start for the new year. First, the La. Cattleman’s Convention is scheduled for February 7-10 in Alexandria and our lovely Cattleman’s Queen, Dianne Rushing, will be a contestant for the state pageant. Plans now are being made for the Caldwell Parish 4-H Livestock Show which will be held February 16. The horse show will be Delhi will be February 25-28. The Caldwell Parish Cowbelles will participate on the parade in Delhi on February 25. In one of our community service projects, a box filled with mementos and gifts and gifts of money was presented to Mike Cook, a 19-year-old parish youth who was seriously injured in a car accident. Our Cattleman’s Queen made the box and presented it to Mike on Christmas Eve.
At Walker’s Discount Food Center, a lb. of pork chops costs 89 cents, a dozen eggs were 89 cents and milk costs $1.66 per gallon.
40 Years Ago
January 25, 1984
David Cole was awarded a sign to be placed on his farm after being selected as the outstanding quarterly cooperator for the second quarter by LaSalle Soil and Water Conservation District. He was selected because of his dedication to practices to improve his pastureland. He planted Bermuda grass and with proper fertilizing and care it is doing a good job of permanent vegetation cover on the pasture. He has instituted erosion control and water conservation by establishing a water impound pond which he can use also for recreational purposes by his family. The purpose of this presentation is to recognize Mr. Cole for his dedication to the Conservation of Soil and Water which must be done before we can have the clean environment necessary for the American way of Life.
Members of the Jena Fire Department and Volunteer Fire Department proudly display a new United States flag which will be flown at the local fire house. The U.S. Congressman Jerry Huckaby had the flag flown over the White House especially for the JFD.
At Walker’s Discount Foods paper towels costs 69 cents per roll, 5 6-oz. pouches of cornbread were $1 and a gallon of milk was $1.89.
25 Years Ago
January 27, 1999
Robin Windham’s Introduction to Business class went to Mac’s Big Star in Jena on January 22. Students were paired and given an assignment to compare items in the store and purchase the product with the best price per unit price.
“Baby Think it Over” Program, sponsored through the Cenla Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, was held recently in an effort to combat teen pregnancy. Girls took the babies home for one week, during which they had to provide 24hour care. An electronic box in the baby tells the sponsors how many times their heads bobbled, rough handling, and how long they cried. Girls had to bathe, change clothes and do usual care of the infant. The babies are even programmed to wake up and cry at night.
Megan Carroll, a sophomore member of the LaSalle High School FFA Chapter and daughter of Robert and Candy Carroll of Olla, won several awards last year with her bull, JMZ Numbers, and her heifer, Naomi.
10 Years Ago
January 29, 2014
Artwork from two LaSalle Parish school students was selected for display at the annual convention of the Louisiana School Boards Association held in Baton Rouge last week. Artwork by Jamie McPherson, a tenth grader at Jena High School, and JoAnna Wilson, an eighth grader at Jena Junior High School, were included in a display of artwork from students across Louisiana at the annual convention, held at Crowne Plaza Hotel. The theme for this year’s competition was “Louisiana Culture.” Two members of the LaSalle Parish School Board- Dawn Stott from District 1 and D’Juana McCartney from District 5- who attended the convention, said they were very proud of the art displayed from LaSalle Parish.
U.S. Representative Vance McAllister, R-Swartz, listened intently to questions asked by students during his visit last week to address the student body and answer their questions. He attended the request of LHS American History teacher Patrick Willis, who had his students write essays on their concerns with the government and present them in a packet for McAllister to later read. McAllister answered a vast array of student questions ranging from gun control and the recent government shutdown to Common Core and his friendship with the Robertsons of “Duck Dynasty” fame. McAllister represents Louisiana’s Fifth Congressional District, which encompasses most of the northeastern and central portions of the state and contains the cities of Monroe and Alexandria.