When it comes to bull riding, the Deville brothers don’t play. Ranging in age from fifteen to six-years-old, each is serious about the sport and has high goals of becoming the best in his age division. Drake, the oldest of the pack, has suffered more than a few injuries, but doesn’t let that deter him. Brayton, eleven years old, plans to pursue it, honing his skills by “going out here and making a legacy.” Next there is Brandt, who at ten years old, admits it’s a rough sport but says “a rush goes through your veins, and you want to be the best.” When asked how he feels, Cooper, the youngest of the clan, smiles from ear to ear and says he has “no fear whatsoever” when they put him “in the box.” He’s currently riding calves and plans to progress to the big bulls when he’s old enough.
The Deville Boys: Out of the Chute!