If you are not married, you are a man on an island. Everything good that happens to you as a feather in your cap. By the same token, all of the mistakes are your fault. Period. If you are married, on that day you formed a team, a small two-person team but nevertheless a team. It’s not always 50/50 but it sure is nice to have a right-hand man (or woman) who has a slightly different skill set on your team. You can do this, I’ll take care of that and everything will work out fine. This is how my life is and yours may be similar. Thoughts are passed, sometimes telepathically, and everyone is on the same page for the same reason just like on a baseball team. Taking one for the team originated in baseball and refers to not moving to let a wild pitch strike you. A difficult thing to do but it will help the team. Everyone wants to help their own team, no exceptions. As long as the team is winning everything is fine within the team.
July 24, 2024
Take One For The Team