The Jena Sweetees, 5/6 year old, won second place at district and were super excited about being able to go to state. Team members included: front row, Hadley Hanner, Milly Dorton, Tenley Maxwell, Harley LeMay, and Kortlyn Sloan; second row, Bre Walker, Brin Wallace, Callie Hunter, Jaidyn Jones, Charli Decker, Claire Williams, and Jaynie Mason; back row, Coach Adam Williams, Head Coach Kristy Hayman, Coach Carr Hunter, and Coach Carwen Jones. These girls played in some intense heat and still gave their best. Harley LeMay caught one of the two fly balls hit in the tournmanet, and Callie Hunter hit multiple home runs. These girls really stepped up their sportsmanship during the final game, which they lost to Sabine by only two runs. Head Coach Kristy Hayman expressed appreciation to all the coaches and parents for their support and especially to Russell Dorton, who took time to help the girls get ready for the tournaments.
The Jena Sweetees
August 2, 2021
The Jena Sweetees