Karley wanted to identify a fruit tree on a family homestead, “I live in Ruby, La-in central Louisiana. My family and I live on my grandparents’ old place. As long as I can remember my grandmother told me this was a Russian Olive tree and that birds eat the berries, but they were poisonous to humans. I recently started doubting her (God rest her soul) and put it on a gardening page to see if anyone could positive ID. I got all kinds of opinions (imagine that). The one that looked most similar was called a Goumi tree. Do y’all have any idea what it could be? I went from thinking it was poisonous, to considering making jelly out of it! Any guidance is appreciated!”
Goumi fruit from a tree native to Asia. Photo: Karley Duhon, Ruby, LA.
July 5, 2022
Roots, Shoots, Fruits & Flowers: Goumi Fruit, Burclover, Wetland Sedges & Maypop Fruit