“To God be the glory,” were the words used by Wild Horse Ministries Evangelist Paul Daily to describe the Community Fall Revival held last weekend at the ministries’ multi-purpose building near Jena. “We knew there was a lot going on last weekend, with ballgames on Friday night, Olla’s homecoming on Saturday and other events, but we still had great crowds each night and God spoke and moved in every service,” Daily said Monday morning.
Nearly 1,000 people turned out during the three-day revival event held Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights (September 26, 27 and 28), which included a free meal before the service began.
“We had some great music led by Glen Price and specials from Ron Carr, New Zion Missionary Baptist Church Choir and Lewis and Samantha Williams and Charles Morrow and we had some great preaching by Heath Harris, Tomell Hamms and Bubba Ezell,” he continued. “But we were truly blessed by the presence of God who spoke to us all and I believe changed lives.”
Daily said that for two years, many have gathered every Monday night at the ministries’ office praying for revival.
“We’re not meeting praying for little things,” he said. “We serve a big God and we are praying for big things. We are trusting God to bring a great revival to our area, our state and our nation.”
Although Daily’s Wild Horse Ministries sponsored the Community Fall Revival, he was quick to point out that the event and the other events they sponsor, could not be successful without the many volunteers who work alongside them.
“It takes a lot of people volunteering their time to do something like this and we are just amazed every time at how people respond and how they come out and use their talents for the Lord,” he said. “We want to thank each of them for their tireless efforts, from cooking, to cleaning, to serving and all that goes with conducting an event of this size.”
Although Dailey is the face of Wild Horse Ministries, he never takes any credit for anything the ministry does.
“This is all for God and to God and He alone gets all the credit,” he said. “This is nothing about me, but all about God and how is working in the lives of Christians in this area and believing for revival.”
The ministry’s next event will be their 3-R Gathering (Refresh, Recommit, Revival) set for October 18, 19 and 20, also at the multi-purpose building.
More information about Wild Horse Ministries and their events and schedule can be found on their Facebook page, or by calling (318) 992-4667.
Photos from the event: